A $5,000 reward is now being offered for information leading to the arrest of a fugitive wanted for the kidnapping of three men in Twin Oaks, the murder of a dentist in the Jawbone Canyon and the injury of two SWAT deputies during a shootout.

Sheriff’s spokesman Ray Pruitt says, with the pursuit for 34-year-old Benjamin Ashley entering its 16th day on Thursday, the search party looking for the transient is getting pulled away from the original five-mile search area by new evidence.
“All I can really say is that it has moved somewhat north up the Kelso Valley toward the town of Weldon and the upper Weldon area,” he said.
Pruitt says Ashley, who has been arrested several times before throughout California, remains armed and dangerous.
Those who have more information about Ashley’s whereabouts are being urged to call a special line dedicated to the search. The number is (661) 392-4360.
– Anthony Pollreisz